How to access J.LEAGUE Archives

  1. Access to J.LEAGUE Archives (   
    You may change the language setting to: English (EN) or Japanese (日本語 - JA)

  2. Select REGISTER from top menu or below login section.

  3. Enter your details into the form. 

    Email address: Use your company’s domain email address.
    Password: Must be more than 12 characters long and include lowercase (a~z), uppercase (A~Z) letters, a number (0~9) and least one special character ! @ # $ ^ % & * ( ).
    Phone Number: -  is not needed.
  4. A confirmation email will be sent to your email address that you registered. Please confirm your email using the validate email option.

  5. After approval by anadministrator you will receive a confirmation email at which point you can login to the platform. 

  6. You can now go back to the LOGIN PAGE and access the platform using the email address and password that you registered.