How to access J.LEAGUE Archives
- Access to J.LEAGUE Archives (
You may change the language setting to: English (EN) or Japanese (日本語 - JA) - Select REGISTER from top menu or below login section.
- Enter your details into the form.
Note:Email address: Use your company’s domain email address. Password: Must be more than 12 characters long and include lowercase (a~z), uppercase (A~Z) letters, a number (0~9) and least one special character ! @ # $ ^ % & * ( ). Phone Number: - is not needed. - A confirmation email will be sent to your email address that you registered. Please confirm your email using the validate email option.
- After approval by anadministrator you will receive a confirmation email at which point you can login to the platform.
- You can now go back to the LOGIN PAGE and access the platform using the email address and password that you registered.